History of St. Mark's Basilica

St. Mark's Basilica History

The history of St. Mark's Basilica is rich and captivating. This iconic Venetian masterpiece stands as a testament to centuries of artistry and devotion. Originally built in the 9th century to house the remains of St. Mark, an evangelist, it underwent multiple renovations and expansions over the years. The basilica's distinct Byzantine architecture, adorned with intricate mosaics and ornate sculptures, reflects Venice's historical ties with the Eastern Roman Empire.

The breathtaking exterior showcases the city's maritime prowess and cultural exchange during the Middle Ages. Throughout its existence, St. Mark's Basilica survived fires, thefts, and the passage of time, embodying Venetian resilience. It remains a religious hub and a mesmerizing historical gem, drawing countless visitors who marvel at its golden mosaics, opulent interiors, and the profound echoes of Venice's past.

Participazio church (c. 829–976)

The "History of St. Mark's Basilica" revolves around the translatio, during which two Venetian merchants transported Saint Mark's body from Alexandria, Egypt, to Venice in 828/829. Various medieval chronicles recount this event. According to the Chronicon Venetum, before the construction of the Doge's Palace on the site of the castrum, Saint Mark's relics resided in a corner tower of the castrum. Doge Giustiniano Participazio, who reigned from 827 to 828, left instructions in his will for his widow and his younger brother and successor Giovanni to construct a cathedral dedicated to Saint Mark to house his remains. As per Giustiniano's plan, the new church was to be situated between the Church of Saint Theodore and the Castrum, to the north. The relocation of Saint Mark's remains to the new church possibly took place as early as 836, within Giustinian's lifetime.

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Orseolo church (976–c. 1063)

The angry mob that rebelled against Doge Pietro IV Candiano, who ruled from 959 to 976, set fire to the castrum to oust him from power in 976. The flames reached the nearby church, the Participazio, and caused severe damage. The building was not destroyed, but it was so badly affected that Candiano’s successor, Pietro I Orseolo, who reigned 976-978, had to be chosen in the San Pietro di Castello cathedral. The church was restored two years later by the family’s own funds, indicating that the damage was minor at first. The walls and supports were likely intact, but the wooden parts had perished. This is part of the history of St. Mark’s Basilica.

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Contarini Church At Present


It was during the middle of the eleventh century that several Italian cities, anxious to flaunt their burgeoning commercial wealth and authority, began building or restoring their cathedrals on a magnificent scale. The history of St Mark's Basilica has it that it was also extensively renovated and enlarged under the reign of Doge Domenico I Contarini (1043-1071), making the church look like a completely different structure. By absorbing the southern lateral nave of Saint Theodore's Church, the northern transept was prolonged. The crypt was also increased to the east, and the high altar was relocated from under the central dome to the elevated chancel, which was maintained by a structure of columns and vaults in the underneath crypt.

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The original design for the Contarini church called for a very serious brick edifice. Only the arcade columns, gallery balustrades and parapets, and lattice altar screens were decorated on the inside. The history of St Mark's Basilica states that walls were embellished with niches, a few cornices, and molded arches that were interspersed with engaged brickwork columns. The western facade has a similar pattern of arches and projecting pillars to medieval Byzantine churches built in the 10 and eleventh centuries. Windows were cut into the walls at bigger blind angles, and the pillars in between were decorated with niches and round patere constructed of precious marble and stones and framed in decorative molding. Corbel tables and friezes were among the other ornamental elements that followed Romanesque fashion, demonstrating the workers' skilled taste.

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Later modifications

According to the history of St Mark's Basilica, there were originally more windows in the st mark's church than the sixteen in each of the five domes, with three or seven in the apse and perhaps eight in each of the lunettes. However, many of these windows were closed up in order to provide more room for the mosaic artwork. As built, the Contarini church's narthex was only accessible from the west. The northernmost niche is all that's left of the original Byzantine church's lateral extension beyond the façade. The original brick domes of Byzantine churches were covered with bigger outer shells in the thirteenth century's first half, and these shells supported bulbous lights ornamented with crosses.

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Interesting Facts About St. Mark's Basilica

  • The Doge of Venice has always held a significant amount of influence. It stands to reason, then, that the most excellent religious establishment is the one where he offered his prayers. For a thousand years, the title "Doge's Church" accurately described St. Mark's Basilica.
  • A bronze quadriga, or four horses, can be seen in the church's museum. The ancient statues were looted from Constantinople and taken as war booty to Venice. During the Fourth Crusade, numerous valuable things, such as this one, were looted from Constantinople.
  • People from Venice have been globetrotting since the city's inception. Because of their maritime heritage, they were exposed to many other cultures and had a unique relationship with the Byzantine Empire.
  • Within the walls of St. Mark's Basilica is a trove of priceless artifacts and masterpieces known collectively as "The Treasure of St. Mark's." Ancient vases, amphorae, and enameled glasses studded with precious stones are only a few of the items that may be found displayed around the outside.
  • The gold Byzantine altar screen is practically covered in hundreds of jewels and makes for one of the most interesting facts about St Mark's Basilica. Among them are 300 emeralds, 1,300 pearls, 300 sapphires, 400 garnets, rubies, and topazes.
  • They took St. Mark's body from Alexandria in 828, the year he died. Some say they concealed them beneath a pig wagon and got away with it. The Muslim guard who checked them out refused to touch the pork, so he allowed them through.
  • An ancient Greek saint named Theodore served as Venice's patron. The church was constructed by the Venetians around the year 819 CE, and it was most likely made of wood. One of the lesser-known facts about St Mark's Basilica is that the theft of St. Mark's relics altered the course of history.

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St. Mark's Basilica Ticket Deals


Is there a dress code in St. Mark's Basilica?

Yes, there is a dress code to visit St. Mark's Basilica. As it is a religious site, visitors are required to dress modestly and respectfully. Both men and women are expected to cover their shoulders and knees. Sleeveless shirts, shorts, and mini-skirts are not permitted.

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Why is St Mark's Basilica famous?

St. Mark's Basilica is well-known for the stunning Byzantine mosaics in gold that cover the interior of the cathedral. These mosaics earned it the nickname "Chiesa d'Oro," or "Golden Church." These mosaics are used to embellish the basilica's five domes as well as the main entrance to the cathedral.

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What is the best time to visit St. Mark's Basilica?

The best time to visit St. Mark's Basilica is early in the morning or late in the afternoon. These times generally have fewer crowds, allowing for a more serene and enjoyable experience. During peak tourist hours, typically mid-morning to mid-afternoon, the basilica can become quite crowded, resulting in longer queues and limited visibility of the intricate details.

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Are there any tours available for St. Mark's Basilica?

Yes, there are St. Mark's Basilica tours or you can get tickets to St. Mark's Basilica from a reliable source online. You must acquire tickets or tours in advance in order to avoid the unbearably long lineups at St. Mark's Basilica's entrances.

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When was St Mark's Basilica Venice built?

One of the facts about St Mark's Basilica is that it was built in 1063 as a way for the city of Venice to show off its rising sense of civic pride and responsibility. The relics of St. Mark were to be buried in the basilica that was constructed in the 9th century and is now known as St. Mark's.

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Who built St Mark's Basilica?

The architect who helped construct the St. Mark's Basilica was Domenico Contarini.

How long did it take to build St Mark's Basilica?

It took four years, from 828 to 832, but the first church finally went up next to the Doge's Palace. However, if you read up on the facts about St Mark's Basilica you would know that it took 31 years to complete the church's renovation, from 1063 to 1094.

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What’s inside St. Mark's Basilica?

Inside St. Mark's Basilica, there are more than 8,000 square meters of golden mosaics and other elaborate embellishments throughout its interior. Additionally, there lies Saint Mark's holy tomb.

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Where is St. Mark's Basilica?

St. Mark's Basilica is located in Venice, Italy. It is situated in the eastern part of the city's main square, known as St. Mark's Square (Piazza San Marco). The basilica stands at the edge of the square, near the Grand Canal.

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Why should I visit St. Mark's Basilica?

You must visit St. Mark's Basilica as it is one of the city's most prominent religious buildings, Venetian institutions. A stunning architectural masterpiece, it serves as a symbol of the city's rich history, diverse religious community, and cultural significance.

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